Halloween Drink Ideas with Portland Bloggers

Alicia from the amazing home-infusing blog Boozed + Infused got a group of us excited about infusing liquor at home. (Let’s be real: it wasn’t that hard.) We had so much fun going over to Alicia’s back in May that I had everyone over to my house this weekend for Halloween-themed drinks.

Apparently bloggers do exist in real life. (Left to right: Me, Jodi of the upcoming blog The Mama Gut, Alicia of Boozed + Infused, Poppy of Funny or Snot, Krista of Mostly Mommyhood.)

I infused peanut bourbon for a Payday candy bar-themed shot: 2 parts caramel syrup, 1 part peanut bourbon, shake of salt. Stir well with a cocktail stirrer. 

Alicia arrived with this amazing basket that looked like Little Red Riding Hood stopped at the liquor store and Dean and Deluca.

Alicia made an orange-chocolate martini that tasked like a liquid version of the holiday chocolate orange with those little chocolate sections. The orange-chocolate martini was killer, and would be perfect for December: start infusing your chocolate bourbon now. Alicia suggested serving it with dark chocolate.

Those are Poppy’s ginger lemon cookies on the left: chewy texture with a lovely ginger-lemon kick. Poppy, give us the recipe! Also pictured: orange-chocolate martinis, flask of caramel apple liqueur.

Alicia also made caramel-apple liqueur: Caramel apple vodka mixed with homemade caramel syrup. It’s the perfect vehicle for slices of real caramel apple.

Krista wins the appetizer creativity award for her Frankenweenie mummy pizzas, and cheese monsters.

This gathering has become so much fun that we’re thinking of going buck-wild and getting a Portland-area bloggers conference together. Stay tuned. This pipe dream may just become a boozy reality. Cheers!

8 responses to “Halloween Drink Ideas with Portland Bloggers

  1. So very delicious! oh, and The Mama Gut is open for your reading pleasure 🙂

  2. Thanks for hosting and coming up with the idea! This was great and you are really getting the hang of infusing!

  3. I shared my infused boozes with my dad this weekend while he was visiting. He much enjoyed them. I think we decided the peanut is the best, but the others are super good too, of course!

  4. Your write up was faster than my navigation out of your neighborhood. Thank you again for such a lovely afternoon. Hopefully by the next #drinkup I will get a little better at infusing though I think I may just keep deferring to the grand masters ….

  5. Pingback: Halloween Infusion part 2: Chocolate-Orange Liqueur « Boozed + Infused

  6. I love your idea for a Portland area bloggers conference. All the offerings look delicious.

  7. Pingback: Halloween Infusion part 3: Caramel Corn Liqueur | Boozed + Infused

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