“Fil the Germ”: An Original Children’s Book in Honor of Cold and Flu Season

K-Pants wrote this title back in the fall, but given that March has been our sickest month–and I know many of you are feeling the sinus pressure, too–we give you, “Fil the Germ,” a look behind the curtain of the germ world.

Fil the Germ. MomsicleBlog

You know, like “Phil,” but spelled better.

Fil the Germ. MomsicleBlog

The grammar gets off to a rough start, but hang with us. That’s Fil in green, saying, “Ha, ha!”

Fil the Germ. MomsicleBlog

Word, Fil.

Fil the Germ. MomsicleBlog

Fil on right. Victim on left.

Fil the Germ. MomsicleBlog

Dogs are fun. But you know what’s even more fun…

Fil the Germ. MomsicleBlog

…riding cheetahs.

Fil the Germ. MomsicleBlog

That’s it. End big. Leave them wanting more. That’s the K-Pants philosophy.

One response to ““Fil the Germ”: An Original Children’s Book in Honor of Cold and Flu Season

  1. Truly awesome!

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